How to draw anime face beginner level

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Sorry I’m not that pro dudes judge mildly please and I hope this video helped


Da Fun Otaku says:

Then I came back to see my well…this vid
And I’m like

Da Fun Otaku says:

Sorry dudes I just started drawing anime last year in December XD so I
practiced till I thought I was OK :D

Fei Jiang says:

I don’t know why, but the hair is the hardest part for me T.T

Ellie Garcia says:

“First you draw a circle…”
Me: That’s the earth! I’m already learning

Madison G says:

Amazing! It helped me so much! Thank You! XxMaddie

MrOverAnalyzer says:

That moment when you’re 17 and taking drawing tips from a 12 year old
But seriously though, you’re really good. Keep up the good work

Annie Paget says:

It’s best to watch good tutorial when you start, because you start off good
not like THIS

Sajjidhea Joolia says:

Thxx for the video
It helps me a lot :)

Elizabeth Miller says:

I’ve ‘experimented’ with drawing quite a bit before I started watching
videos like yours. Before I watched videos… my friends would always say I
was REALLY good. Saying that I’m way better than them and that I should
enter a drawing contest or something. I think i’m pretty good at drawing
anime. I mean, I’m not the best. I’ve seen my friends do better. I’ve
gotten better and have been proud with some of my work 🙂 Your video was
really good. You’re really good too! Keep it up!

RainbowJazzy *NightCore* says:

OMG I love you! Thanks you are a true help

Annie Paget says:

You sound 10, make a tutorial when you’re good at it.

sane taye says:

I don’t know why I even bother trying sometimes every thing I have ever
drawn looks like shit.

Peppermint GamerHint says:

Wait your 12? And I was good at drawing anime ever since I was 9 to 11?
Please tell im not the only one TT^TT

Kotori189 Minecraft/Animal Jam says:

This is why I said that is because ur photo of ur YouTube profile is named
Yama Raja am I right and if I am then I know Elsword and nvm that bye

mlp raityaj says:

thank you u help me a lot in drawing anime :)

Smile Dog says:

Omfg that’s so cute!!! And better than me! Why do people keep hating this?!
I don’t think anybody can draw as good as you! If other people don’t like
it, just ignore them. Your style is so cute!

JC Morris says:

The eyes dont got to be your style just because your drawing it. It can be
my style if I want it to be 

ajala2 playsminecraft says:

lol its a joke in dragon ball z they need say its over 8000 in janp and
they said its over 9000 in english lol

GeekyAssassins says:

I’m an 11 year old Assassin and am the leader of the GangCrew

Lewis Alker says:

I actually suck at drawing , yet this video made it a lot more detailed so
for all the hates this awesome guy gets fuck the he’ll off exactly like he

For vid creator: egnore the haters they are a waste of time

cara rono says:

I like this drawing

Oiram Caruana says:

im 11 im a beginner and my friends say im a pro

Kotori189 Minecraft/Animal Jam says:

U know Elsword because I u play it?i play the void Elsword and normal
Elsword and bye nice video too.

Susan Falk says:

Not to be rude, but I think mine turned out to be a bit better than yours.
Yours turned out tremendous, as well. :)

skatersrule dude says:

I think you can become a great manga artist if you stay like this, just
keep practising

Nadine Mick says:

That’s how I’m drawing but I outline

Daisy Jones says:

Talk propyl plz I don’t understand 

christian hamby says:

This kid is good I like how out of the blue a fly poped out

Shelby Dutoi says:

Coolest and funniest 12 years old ever

skatergamer587 says:

“if youre a expert drawer, and came to critisize, im 12 so leave” llool

Addti ime tracer says:

e.e i draw Better an 11 

CreepyPasta RainBowFactory says:

No the fly just wanted to draw like you he/she was checking if he/she was
doing it right!

tanner Thomas says:

Dang kid you got talent and I don’t even draw that good ( meaning I suck )

kert tatoy says:

mine looks like a potato

big sissy says:

The hair was always so hard for me and the face would be crooked because I
tilt my head when I draw and i look at it and im like OMG WHAT?!

Andrew Acebo says:

surprisingly good commentary for a 12 year old

signas501 says:

My biggest problem is trying to draw the mouths… How exactly can I go
around with an anime idea with everyone having no mouths?! Especially when
everyone in it always has that “Dante Sparda” smug look to him!

Lee Bowie says:

kool thanks

Judy Greenough says:

Delightful video! I like the fact that you’re not a pro–makes me
comfortable and gives me confidence that I can try this and succeed!!

Malachai Worrell says:

Ok? ok, I know I comment again the same day I hope I dont get you mad but I
think I understood to draw a body I willl try it…. 5 hours later trying
to draw a body…

Alex Cardwell says:

Omg ur good! I am 12 and can’t draw at all

Essy Playz says:

thx this really helped

TEh limitless epic says:

thx man really helped mah drawing skills

Hardc0r3Pandaa says:

“Sorry, this was a fly” This moment is so hilarious. xD
This fly really wanted to be on youtube. :’D

Wendy Marvell says:

But i can’t even draw a circle! :(

ajala2 playsminecraft says:

if you want to see how good of a drawer try drawing things from dragon ball

Mike Thompson says:

That taught me alot im 13

Grace Figueroa says:

Do you think you can make your stile eyes in a video


Shelbi Gysin says:

this really helped thx

JTCLAN1 says:

i wanna learn how to draw so what the hell i guess :)

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