Back to Basics – How to Draw – Lesson 1

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For those who need to start from the very beginning, a quick tutorial on how to draw.

(music: ConFusion – Mai (feat. Christian Rossillol

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Liana Akobian says:

This is great! I hope to be that good someday 🙂 It would mean a lot to me
if you could watch my videos and give me tips on how to improve!

KerryDoan says:

Your sketches are amazing! this is all i can draw
/ |

Rebecca Stone says:

Thank you for the advice, I’ve been using the “fury line” for years. Also,
I really love that picture 0:30, you did a perfect job. :)

Straw-Hat Sincere says:

See man I screw up like 40 times and get super frustrated. This is probably
very helpful to some, but I’m pretty sure artistic skill is something
you’re borne with. I give up.

Leon Moses says:

Omg man you so rock please help me to be come great like you 

Sara G. says:

sure every one teaches how to draw and you ll eventually ( if that’s what
you want) draw directly from your mind but no one remembers to teach you
how to have a clean image for what you are going to draw i’ve never saw
someone teaching that

Yadin Micheli says:

You Are Amazing!

Andy Valencia says:

you are my master Saludos desde Ecuador !

Capn britt says:

Blah I’ve been drawing for so long. time to go back to basics to get better

Ismail Kececi says:

just draw, drawing is life :)

Lochoz GG says:

the song is just…. terrible, especially the bass-solo, but awesome lesson

sajid noor says:

i have become a fan you greatly awsome dude

Ezra Palomo says:

love the music..

Chill_Pill says:

Thanks for the tut. Didn’t know this kind of awful music could find its
audience though.

MrVIPanda says:

I want to start drawing, but I have no past experience. How and where do I
start? What can I do as a beginner? 

Chestnut Bowl says:

Nice vid. Also, I like the music. Reminds me of Fusion from the late 70s
and early 80s.

Rosena Markova says:

Thanks so so much!!!! You are amazing 🙂 🙂 :)

Adrian Underwood says:

the one thing that gets to me when i’m drawing even when I draw from life
or something is I have a lot of trouble seeing and translating shadow 🙁 

Thiren Sriskantharajah says:

Thanks so much! This is brilliant! 

Cake Middleton says:

Death to smoochy!

mohammed gaber says:

sooo nice ……..thanks alot 

VanillaSnake21 says:

I liked the lessons, but you drew the shadow wrong on the ball, compared to
where the light is coming from, subscribed though, good stuff

Jonathan Martinez says:


aux99139 says:

I took many art classes, and this was SO much easier to understand, because
all my teachers over explained everything

prisci ware says:

I got kinda frusterated at how bad I was. Was.

Shane Plew says:

Actually this was quite helpful. This tutorial went over techniques that
most tutorials skip. 

Nyx Doc says:

The music is annoying and so is the drawing ! Poor job

Ruthlee Barton says:

I am so beginer-I practice drawing a circle that connects rather than
misses closure. I erase a LOT. Does anyone know a good way to totally
erase? I seem to leave a lot of under-line. I AM using the kneadable
eraser….A little help? Thanks, Ruthlee

Donavon Sprague says:

You go way too fast…and the hair thing you called it at first is ACTUALLY
YOUR PREFERENCE….I personally draw better using small lines…

Furious Insects says:


Brent Newton says:

This would be 1000x better if there was audio. I just can’t be assed to try
and watch this and read it.

D Perete says:

depressing music…

Tony Montano says:

Tutorialastic! Very nice

Zoila Rivera says:

Thank for the video! I learned a lot! :)

Magma No Kaboshi Akainu says:

+Bangmaster9 you are crap,faggot! 

AnnaHBrahe says:

0:27 Oh! I See You’r Like Jack ;D (Titanic)

marcuss5s5 says:


The Drawing Hands says:

@NotRetarded123 Leonardo Da Vinci was left handed! 🙂 Indeed, many people
think that this can be even an advantage, because you are using the right
part of the brain, the creative one, to control your hand. If you use the
same hatching as me, you should have no problem in either way. If you like
to use a classic 45 degree parallel hatching, you just have to find the
direction which is more comfortable for you, that’s all! 🙂

killdude2000 says:

i’m the kind of person that thinks : oh this isn’t too bad, and ending up
throwing my notebook in the neighbores yard while on fire

Juan4All Funny Moments says:

thank you so much!!!!

lovsgms says:

thank you!

Cap'n Smirkz says:

Did you use reference? I tried to follow along with what you’re doing, and
the head turned out really skinny, and long and retarded.

Camille says:

I thought of Christina Aguilera’s album when I read: Back to Basics 0.o

dicho dichev says:

well thanks for the video ill try to make it i aways wanted to try
realystick drawin

isroolee says:

Thank you so much

Crashbandicoot701 says:

I am still not making any progress…

Olivia Richards says:

It’s art. The human body is art. Act more mature?

Abu Musa Al Faylasouf says:

OMG 0:30 Fap fap fap fap xD

neeha glee says:

Magic in your hands! God bless! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

EqualsMrD says:

Ugh, its 10:30 pm. I don’t feel like reading………. I’ll come back in
the morning.

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