How to Draw Trees

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Visit for more drawing lessons like this one. Learn how to draw trees in this video tutorial. How to draw a tree. Trees are not hard to draw. In this video, I draw a variety of types of trees in graphite or pencil.


Marco Marcuzzo says:

Impariamo a disegnare gli alberi per i nostri manga ^_^
Buon Divertimento gente 🙂

How to Draw Trees

Omar Rangel says:

Basically all you “taught” was:
-Draw what you see(I never would have guessed)
-Add shading(Absolute genius)
Not much of a tutorial, and not much of a teacher. Sorry man this just isnt
helpful at all.

Aaron Gawronsky says:

nice trees. Don’t compare your trees to other peoples trees, they’re all
god’s trees.

MonkeyMadnessV1 says:

Tree dimentional

KeCKoSaM says:

wish I could draw like this…

броколь P8rkeRRR says:

Качество гавно
Да еще и быстро рисует без всяких составных и остального
в общем мудак.

Cathy Mais says:

When I draw trees, they usually look sort of like tree#1. Those other trees
are on another level I haven’t reached yet. Thanks for the vid. 

Malorie Vizcarra says:

The video is too fast i can’t draw this :(

King Of The Mine says:

this is cool

ليندا فارس says:

this pinsil✏ or no??

Striker Ahmed says:

so easy yet so hard

CallMe Moo says:

WHat pencil do u use .. Please Reply.. Im only using regular pencil and im
Kinda beginner on drawing things

Jason Fella says:

Wow, awesome video! Drawing trees always seemed so hard, I haven’t bothered
to attempt it, but after watching this, I’m sure I can do it. I’ll have to
look more at your site (which I belong to) and see any other landscape
lessons on there =)

Ishaan Bhat says:

what is the number of the pencil? (2b,3b,etc)

meka makmok says:

Good jop

Angie Suarez says:


Na Sanny Setiawan says:

that is a nice tree.

Nika Ball says:

Круто красиво

arko128 says:


brickhousemonkey says:

OMG wat kind of pencil is that

SzczypiorPL says:

Nice ! I need to learn that :D

lia daves says:

You did not help me at all sorry

LuccaFan says:

Impariamo a disegnare gli alberi per i nostri manga ^_^
Buon Divertimento gente 🙂

How to Draw Trees

Catalina de la torre ruiz says:

Que bonito, gracias por la esplicacion

Painis Cupcake says:

how do those leaves work?!

aldin sinanovic says:

I now know thank you

bill gardner says:


Madeleine Tiong says:

really thanks…. now i kind of know how to draw trees

Sneha Agarwal says:

Tree its ahh

Echo says:

Where do you buy the things you use?

Braden Kirk says:

“Texturey Lines” doesn’t help

McKenzie Adams says:

Thank you so much!

susan kopecki says:
catherine weiss says:

can you make the video slow

butyraceousbrachiosaurus says:

I still can’t draw trees very well, but I think I understand a bit better!
Thank you!

Rayne-Anne Kahler says:

could you do a video on the first kind of tree not in time laspe??

CPGaming 3000 says:
Melanie Driver says:

U suck

Terminus 2409 says:


deadstarfish says:

Wow! This was really good!!!!

Johnny Presberg says:


ArtMovement "José Ferreira" says:


CPGaming 3000 says:
Harry Back Eddy says:


Kermit the Gamer says:

The first tree looks EXACTLY like the tree I used to climb with my
friend…. Oh, the memories!!!

Beck Tutorials says:


Jose Gonçalves says:
rory cj says:

Coool …. man

Samuel McGreal says:

Thanks for the tips. Really cool drawings!

Bzztgoesthe doorbell says:

Either that, or if you’re in kindergarten draw a line with a cloud on top.

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