How to Draw A Fairy

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Best-Selling How-To-Draw author Chris Hart shows you a quick way to draw one of nature’s most elusive, yet appealing creatures: the tiny, young fairy girl. See how to add charm and poise to a young female fairy character. And if you like the video, then please… “Like” the video — and thanks.


Tanya Hernandez says:

Hey Christopher I read and follow these instructions doing Manga and is
great hopefully I become an artist like because every time I pick up a
pencil then I think of you inspire me and everyone around

Tanya Hernandez says:

This is so cool I am so glad I could draw this

Kris Taylor says:

It amazes me how confident you are with a pencil! I’ve been drawing for
years (not very well) and I make soooo many mistakes, I’d never be able to
press down so hard and stay confident whilst doing so. Bravo Sir your
drawings are awesome!

dorkiegrrl says:

Very nice work! Awesome :3 * virtual high five*

Black Ghost says:

You having fun at the same time…. thats kinda hard…

Keona Cucci says:

looks like a teenager

david ekakitie says:

very awsome

dorkiegrrl says:

Very nice work! Awesome :3 * virtual high five*

ginie mitchell says:

amazing, your an amazing artist!

SlytherinSnake6886 says:

That was beautiful, I think I might try my hand at that!

jen101291som says:

Huge fan! I watched your question and answer with jazza. I love your books.
You inspire me to draw. Your books initially got me into trying to be a
better manga artist. I’ve still got a long way to go. I watch jazzas
channel all the time and now I can watch yours! :)

Jim Adams says:

pretty good

kitkat warrior pony says:

Where is the wings!!!!! :(

samantha blake snyder says:

this is amazing 

Black Ouran Harry Titan Fandom says:

u draw so well and fast!!!!!!

II AvaMations II says:

can you draw a adorable dog? Because I have your books and there amazing!

kitty gemini says:

Please help me i want to learn to draw and paint acrylic please whats the
fastest way i can do this

Christopher Hart says:

Oh — do you mean the magical girls of manga?

ÁilBhe ZoBin says:

Great drawing but you need to talk more 😉

Kathy Renz says:

That was amazing

Christopher Hart says:

Good idea!

Christopher Hart says:

Got ‘cha. I’ve heard the same comment recently, so I’ve been doing that.
I’ve got a new batch of youtube videos I just taped, and I think you’ll
like them.

Christopher Hart says:

Thank you very much — yes, check out my Youtube Channel; i’ve got about 3
or 4 of them… But maybe it’s time for another!

lducky99 says:

You are SO amazing! She was adorable!!!!!!

Christopher Hart says:

I have only limited experience with Acrylics. My suggestion is to check in
your town or neighboring town for a local arts center – I bet you there are
classes in acrylics there. Good luck, and thanks for watching the video!

Tg7angel says:

Can you draw teenage girls with powers?

vampire girl306 says:

thank you 🙂

Christopher Hart says:


Kathy Renz says:

Next time maybe draw a elf

Christopher Hart says:

Thank you very much!

Christopher Hart says:

I’m glad you think so!

Christopher Hart says:

Thanks a lot!

Kitty Luver says:

she’s so pretty

Tg7angel says:

Can you draw teenage girls with powers?

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