How to Draw a Dragon: Step-By-Step (Narrated Version)

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Han Solo says:

This was the first video of Mark Crilley i ever watched. I was in 7th
grade, and i was mesmerized. Watching this video really helped me because
it made me reason Mark is both an amazing teacher, and also really funny.
I’ve grown so much from him. I went from drawing stick figures with
scoliosis, so being entered into a region wiide Art show for highschools as
a freshman. ( the only one from my school, and 1 of 6 in the entire show.)
I’m not meaning to brag i’m just posting this to show my appreciation, and
to show those who are watching this video as a first as well. Thanks Mark!

shadowfang269 says:

Actually dragons do have some connection to Japanese culture even tho it’s
not the same Dragon 

[[Kaden The Otaku]] says:

dragon’s dont exist?! what?!
wait… did you hear that? …………………………… was the
sound of my childhood getting stabbed by reality.

Stacie Parker says:

can you make a a dog.


Validifyed says:

Everyone knows dragons wings are small because all they do is cover up the
hidden jet packs. I dont see what the problem is.

GryphonAnimation says:

This needs a LOT of work. You seem to have a rather poor grasp on how
anatomy works.
I must say though, Your lining and detailing is really nice!

please look at this: (anyone else that reads
this planning to follow his tutorial should look too)

And no, my anatomy isn’t 100 percent perfect either (nobody’s is, really),
but I at least know what I’m talking about.

your wing anatomy is incredibly off, and the dragon would have no chance of
flying even if the wing was the right size (which you were right about. The
wing is indeed too small).
there should be no spine on the elbow. It would restrict movement.

legs are too short, and the shoulder should be moved forward.
Neck too thin. It would snap trying to hold his head up.
the tail is misplaced. The tail is part of the spine, it doesn’t just stick
out of the rear end like that.
The feet aren’t too bad, but the toes could be a little longer.

Doing a rough sketch (which is NOT what you did) is important. Its used to
get the proportions and anatomy correct.

instead of referencing other artists (who seem to have questionable
knowledge of anatomy as well), you should reference REAL ANIMALS! This is
VERY IMPORTANT! When you reference other artists, you reference their
study photographs of BATS, lizards, horses, dogs, birds, etc, and then you
can go from there, and add the less realistic features. It being a fantasy
creature is not an exuse to use bad anatomy.

Dalia Ghannoum says:

your commentary has me in stitches. you’re so amusing to listen to! thanks
for the tutorial btw.

Drew Thomas says:

This is an amazing video. this is the first video by you that I’ve watched
and im going to be watching alot more of your videos you’re a great teacher
you just got me an A on my homework as well, keep it up mark!! you have one
more sub from me.

kuroshitsujichick XD says:

Thank you for making this video, I finally made a decent looking dragon. 🙂

Acleus says:

That Mastering Manga book is so useful. Money well spent.

MrHollick says:

Wait they don’t exist? That’s like saying Santa Claus doesn’t exist! 

GhostclanGames says:


Horse Girl says:

No heart attack!!! You amazing book helped me to go from stick people to
ok manga thanks sooooooooooo much!!!!!! And better dragons as well

Blue-Eyed Winter says:

Even though you had time-lapse lol it was a very helpful video, I admit I
was skeptical at the beginning with how you started but I stuck through til
the end and I subscribed! :)

gormashnit says:

Hey Mark, my daughter loved your video and asked me to write something for

“Thank you for sending me this video. My name is J and I wanted to know if
you had some tips on drawing dragons?”

Uros Popovic says:

AHHH i can’t draw the nails :(

Game Toy says:

i was doing this in class before my Chinese teacher came then she said oh
thats the west dragon

Cassidy Cisco says:

I know that dragons are not alive but I think it would be cool to have one
as a pet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Phia Di Lorenzo says:

Just subbed

Starcraft101 says:

I made mine a girl and have a nest with 3 eggs 

Soureen Manna says:

can you make a robot narrated please !

Joseph Lexow says:

How are you holding the pencil? It looks weird. (to me at least)

Reniriel says:

I also agree on that fin-like thing on the side of the head is that (my
basis are a few dragons in Monster Hunter Games) is that it’s supposed to
make the dragon look much larger to scare prey.

Kawaii Butterfly says:

Hii MarkCrilley?

I love your vids! They helped me so much and I think you’re one of my
biggest-draw idols. Thank you so much for starting this account on youtube
it helped me so much! 

Sutthiphong Ruanthong says:

I’m new so I love dragons I draw really good dragons to so I like ur dragon

Discoverytime says:

Thank you Iove your videos I wanna become a artist when I grow up and good

Rajath Bhat says:

Can u show us how to draw light yagami
From death note

Skyler Gintz says:

Mark Crilley, your my drawing idol! I am only in 6th grade, but I know what
I am going t do when I grow up thanks to you! I am already working on
comics of my own!

Jake Thompson says:

ive seen several pictures of dragons without he two front legs. They are
replaced by the wings which also serve as arms

Zolo Gamer says:

Thx i drew and it was amazing :D

Richard Rowland says:

I got every single one of your books and it helped me a lot. I have been
drawing for a long time now but you cant have to much practice. Thank you
for all the thing u did for us fans and bless you for your talented gift of
drawing. you are my hero and once again thank you.

Elsa Stevenson says:

I thought I was good at drawing dragons until you drew one… Anyway,
taking in what you have done and changing my way of drawing a dragon to
improve it. My dragon’s head definitely needs your advice!

ShadowNinja says:

Just subbed. =)

Deadpool says:

Why did my drawing turn out to be a penis? 

Soureen Manna says:

which paper do you use?

Reyna Barragan says:

They do mother**** 

Peter Faka says:


1mike1c says:

boar sieht das scheisse aus

carlos Miller Gómez says:

halo markcrilley can you shome how you holde the pencil wen drawing

Gregory Rodriguez says:

Great instruction, however dragons have been a part of folklore for
thousands of years. There are two main types: The European Dragon and the
Asian Dragon– a large part in both Chinese and Japanese Cultures. The
symbolism behind the dragon also changes with Culture/location. For Example
I will use Disney movies to illustrate my point. A Chinese dragon would be
Mushu from “Mulan”- a guardian and symbol of luck-also symbolises Power. A
European Dragon would be Maleficint from Sleeping Beauty– or better yet
from J.R.R. Tolkien, Smaug- a symbol most often used for Greed and
Tyrany…. I could also go to Beowulf for an Epic Euopean example– or King
Arthur–European text NOT DISNEY— I was A literature major and as an
artist I can not avoid their influences and symbolic meanings. Never the
less, great instruction!!!

sagunthala suventhan says:

Your drawings are cool

Glenn Noviantheodore says:

Cool man today and now I’m watching you and I follow all of your steps and
I show it to my mom and she say it is great thanks for the tips man……

Yamato025HD™ says:

I find dragons to be hard and easy at the same… But yet I never get the
time to draw them >_< the wings and feet are the hard part .... Any advise ?

Unational JellyBean says:

I was going to draw in but my sister was not going to leave me alone I’m
really mad :(

Zoe Mack says:

Like if your watching in 2015! <3

David McDowell says:

Mark, I really enjoyed watching your videos. They, and by them, you remind
me of the artist Bob Ross who used to teach how to paint on PBS. I loved
watching that man paint. He was a joy and he made it look so simple. You
have that same ability. Thanks for sharing your unique ability to show
people how to draw with a pencil and make it look so effortless. I really
enjoy watching your video and am even learning some new techniques from
them. Keep up the great work.

LxSniper says:

I have a how to draw a awesome dragon video 

Rajath Bhat says:

This drag is good

Angelina Cantrell says:

I draw cats, hounds, flowers and eagles mostly…… I can BARELY

GojiraGeek says:

the reason the dinosaur legs look like chicken legs is because birds are
related to dinosaurs and for the wings i have heard people call it a
membrane but i don’t know and the eyes remind me of batman always so

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