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Fire Dragon drawing. Made with sai and photoshop

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Fiendish Adjudicator - [Great Old One - Cthulhu] says:

This beautiful picture and Skyrim music!

Zartiex Arte says:

You have a great talent, congratulations on your work Jellyapp.

kitty kat says:

I like the skyrim music

One Eyed Turtle says:

how is the fire he is beathing not totally frying my computer? isn’t it
real? -)

game slayer says:

whats up with the skyrim music background man? it doesnt really fetch the
music of a fire breathing dragon. but still. nice dragon. keep up the good

Simonroe 22 says:


Amanda T. says:

Love it! And the skyrim music :D

dragon elmore says:

I love to draw dragons much as you I love the music u used its beautiful
with the video please make more drawings

Solaceâ„¢ says:

Lol, nice but it’s funny how I can see you pulling up your spotify. xD

Luke Bond says:

The skyrim music made it real

MC ML says:


Charlotte Hendriks says:


Charu Saxena says:

Great job, but you copied from a book called Dracopedia. I hope you wrote
that down. Just saying bro.

MacattackGaming says:

amazingly amazing
awesomely awesome job

Skipper Skilodracus says:

Wow, really love this! I noticed that my sketching style is similar to
yours, but you clearly have far more experience and skill!

Nadia Swift says:

Skyrim! Lol

Andrew Whitsett says:

God I f’ing love this music

Franz Schader says:


Jose Pimentel says:

Love It

MysaMeh says:


BrothermonkGames says:


BunnweeFTW says:

skyrim music :D

Jacob Martin says:

Hai Dark 

Jibby Child says:

You should draw dark

ToxicRikki says:

this.. is .. amazing.. i respect ;_; wish i can become as good as you one
day :’3

Jellyapp says:

Thanks! 😀

Noctuem Spiritus says:

I don’t no why but this drawing is making me want to try to tame a dragon
in skyrim and go rawr

Chris Harris says:

I can only speed draw a cat :3

mjkop1999 says:

awesome i love dragons awesome spead draw i wish i was that good at drawing

Kats Track says:

æø-.o,krnhegfdfgthyumio7p80å+ FLIIIIIIIIINK 😀

Gabriel Gianni says:

when I watch this video sometimes I like to close my eyes and just listen
to the music….. And remember my first time playing skyrim :’)

Deaniee1999 says:

Words can’t even describe….the perfectness.

Darkwolf1099 says:

Jelly your skills are amazing and I cant wait to see you in more of darks
vids and you got a new sub

Blizzardcat says:

Amazing, You are good.

Liam Gale says:

Skyrim 🙂

**DEAD CHANNEL** says:

Epic :0

blacksmurfsFTW says:

Holy fucking shit… u are amazing at speed-drawring… keep it up! 🙂

Jellyapp says:

yeah dragons are super cool 😀 If you want to get better, just keep on
drawing :3

Topsutin says:

You have some serious drawing skillz 🙂

Sean Talgo says:

Amazing !

Jellyapp says:

tuuusen takk! :DDD

TeedlyKhajit says:

Wow 😀 this was freaking amazing! What drawing program thingy did you use
to draw this? 🙂

Mikel Smith says:

Awesome nice dragon

Puddle Duck says:

Great Job!

Jellyapp says:

THat would have been so friggin awesome 😮

Jellyapp says:

Thanks a lot! 😀 I started wiht Easy paint tool sai and at 1:44 ish i
changed to photoshop cs6

Alessandro Russo says:


VoicesFromTheDark says:

So good o.o

BrothermonkGames says:

maybe this is your girlfriend’s way of saying that K’joor needs to fight
more dragons

Jarne Lodewyckx says:

Just amazing 😀

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